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Swap Meet

Event location

High Stakes Harley-Davidson®

8025 Action Blvd, Florence, KY 41042

May 18, 2024 11:00AM - 2:00PM

Got some gear gathering dust? Time to clear the clutter at High Stakes H-D's annual Spring Swap Meet on Saturday, May 18th! It's your chance to trade, barter, and swap 'til you drop!

Call all vendors, crafters, and creators - High Stakes wants YOU to be a part of our Swap Meet! It's completely FREE to set up and sell! Bring your own tables/tents.

Shoot a message to Krissy at krissyb@highstakeshd.com to reserve your spot! Don't forget to include your basic contact info and what items you plan on selling.

Get your taste buds ready, because we'll have a food truck on-site! And that's not all—DJ Ronnie Evans will be cranking up the volume with tunes guaranteed to keep the good vibes flowing all afternoon long!

Stay up-to-date on this event: CLICK HERE